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ALA eLearning
Privacy and Wisconsin Public Libraries Tutorials for Frontline Staff and Managers
Want to better understand the reasons behind privacy policies and laws? Or how to effectively interact with library users about privacy? These tutorials include three modules with a short (8-9 minute) video, links to additional reading, and a short quiz. Library directors and managers can access a short tutorial with suggestions for working with staff, creating policies, and other administrative tasks related to protecting patron privacy.
Privacy & Wisconsin Public Libraries Tutorial for Front-Line Staff:
Privacy & Wisconsin Public Libraries Tutorial for Managers & Directors:
Ryan Dowd’s Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness on-demand, self-paced online training is available to all Wisconsin library staffs through December 2024. Find tips for de-escalating challenging situations for all patrons and get a better understanding of those who are experiencing homelessness. To start your training, use your library email address when you click here. For assistance, contact Shauna Koszegi at [email protected].