To sign up for the SWLS CE listserv, contact Shauna Koszegi at [email protected]. Stay up to date on CE offerings by joining the listserv and signing up for the SWLS Newsletter
- Southwest Solutions Series (online)
- CCBC Workshops, at Brewer Public Library; March 27; 9:30am-2:30pm [REGISTER]
- Bastions & Bibliophiles, Learning Dungeons & Dragons for the Library at SWLS HQ, April 3, 10am-12pm [REGISTER]
- Best of Adult Programming Workshop, at Lancaster Public Library, April 25; 12:30-3:30pm [REGISTER]
- Get Your Groove On: Vinyl Projects with Cricut at SWLS HQ, May 7; 1pm-3:30pm
- Live Website Transformations with Laura Solomon (online); May 13; 1pm-2pm [REGISTER]
- Sunset Strategies: Knowing When and How to Pull the Plug with Laura Solomon (online); May 20; 1pm-2pm [REGISTER]